
Quantum Gases 2024

Quantum Gases 2024

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Quantum Gases 2024

Organizers: Hui Zhai, Jiazhong Hu, Wenlan Chen and Tin-Lun (Jason) Ho
Organized by:
Institute for Advanced Study and Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

August 28-30, 2024

Recent progress in ultracold atomic gases is highly exciting from many perspectives. Atom arrays provide a new platform for studying quantum many-body physics and offer promises for universal quantum computation. Novel quantum systems, such as bosonic molecules, are brought into quantum degeneracy. Unexpected novel dynamical many-body phenomena have been discovered in recent experiments. This conference focuses on these emergent excitements in this field, including (but not limited to)
This conference is a series of biannual conferences on ultracold atomic gases held at Tsinghua University since 2010, interrupted by the pandemic in 2020 and 2022. The information on the previous conferences is listed below.

Invited Speakers: (continuously updated)

Loic Anderegg (Harvard)
Hannes Bernien (Chicago)
Jean-Philippe Brantut (EPFL)
Lawrence Cheuk (Princeton)
Kai Dieckmann (NUS)
Flavien Gyger (MPQ)
Meng-Zi Huang (ETH Zurich)
Yunpeng Ji (Stanford)
Xinyu Luo (MPQ)
William Milner (University of Colorado)
Nir Navon (Yale)
Gabriel Patenotte (Harvard)
Pai Peng (Princeton/Peking University)
Adam L. Shaw (Caltech)
David Spierings (MIT)
Dajun Wang (CUHK)
Hai-Bin Wu (ECNU)
Xing-Can Yao (USTC)
Zhen-Sheng Yuan(USTC)
Bo Zhao (USTC)
Jing Zhang (Shanxi University)

Meeting Schedule

Quantum Gases 2024 Schedule
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