People's Daily reported Prof.Lee Chang and Prof.Jiazhong Hu's course during the outbreak of COVID-19

Snapshot from People’s Daily

During the outbreak of COVID-19, Prof.Lee Chang and Prof. Jiazhong Hu cooperated to teach a graduate course “Selected Topics in the Frontier Problems of Quantum Mechanics” through network teaching. They complemented each other and accomplished the teaching assignment perfectly. Their deeds were reported by many media including Tsinghua University’s official account and People’s Daily.

Snapshot from People’s Daily

[1] “Our teachers are anchors”, People’s Daily.

[2] “‘Professors’ professors’ of Tsinghua are still teaching at 95", Xinhua.

[3] “A 95 year old professor of physics at Tsinghua University teaches online and get great attention", Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China.