
Quantum Gases 2024

Quantum Gases 2024

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Quantum Gases 2012: Polar Molecules and Magnetic Atoms

Organizers: Hui Zhai, Sandro Stringari and Tin-Lun (Jason) Ho
August 28-30, 2012

Recently ground state polar molecules have been successfully realized using stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) technique, which has stimulated new experimental activities along this direction in many laboratories. It is very promising that a stable and quantum degenerate gas of polar molecules can be realized in the near future. Such polar molecules have a large permanent electric dipole moment and hence strong long-range dipolar interaction effects in the presence of an electric field, giving rise to new few- and many-body phenomena that are absent in the traditional atomic systems explored so far.

Recently there have been also increasing efforts to study degenerate gases of atoms with large magnetic moment and hence large magnetic dipole interaction in the presence of a magnetic field, such as Chromium, Dysprosium and Erbium.
v This conference will bring together experimental and theoretical researchers working on quantum gases of polar molecules and magnetic atoms, and discuss new opportunities and challenges.

Invited Speakers:

John L. Bohn (JILA)
Eugene Demler (Harvard)
Francesca Ferlaino (Innsbruck)
Stefano Giorgini( Trento)
Deborah Jin (JILA)
Benjamin Lev (Stanford)
Hanns-Christoph Nägerl (Innsbruck)
Tilman Pfau (Stuttgart)
Guido Pupillo (Strasbourg)
Alessio Recati (Trento)
Gora Shlyapnikov (Orsay)
Luis Santos (Hannover)
Sebastian Will (MIT)